My first blog about Indonesia - How it began

Museum Taman Prasasti, Jakarta, 2015, is it beacuse of my 'klompen' shoes?

Union farmer, desa Wera, Sumbawa, 2017

Why are you fascinated about Indonesia and her history? When people ask me that, I have to start admitting that I don’t have any Asian blood pumping in my veins and even no relatives of my family is or was living there. So not any bound
like that all, but yet I just have a feeling with the country, the lovely people, the makan (enak2 iya!), the history, culture and nature and so
on, so on… 



My first meeting with Indonesia was in the year of 2015. A friend asked me to join him on a holiday which looked totally great for me. I was not scared but my parents where. I remember my mother saying 'oh boy, look out for this and that’ and keeping going on like ‘it is so far away!' But okay, noted, but I replied with, come on mama I just go. It will be fine and in 3 weeks your 32 years old 'kid' will be back. 

So, this 'kid' came out of the airplane at ‘bandara Jakarta’ and suddenly the tropical weather embraced me. I smelled the rich and tasty smell of kretek cigarettes everywhere but it was the people who had stolen my heart that day. All smiling and friendly. I can say my love for this beautiful people and their country started that day.


The oldest woman in desa Wera, 2017

Since that I started to learn more, from books, but also by researching the archives and libraries, by visiting historical places and museums and I started collecting books, paintings, Balinese sculptures, kerisses, batik, photos and way more kinds of art.

My name is Giorgio Zanoli, thank you for visiting this Blog and I hope to write more in the future…Terima Kasih!     







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