
Showing posts from 2023

The story of Boxer Moen - 'Javakampioen' (1907-?)

    A nother photo album with many photos taken in Java during the Dutch East Indies colonial era in my collection is the album of Louis Frederic Guillaume Dinger, who lived in Surabaya.[1] Louis Dinger in 1937 The album contains pictures of places like Tosari, Surabaya harbour and many more but also some newspapers and photos of different kind of sports in Indonesia. One of the pages has two photos of a boxer, a young man named Moen / Moenandar. We see him photographed in the years 1926 and 1933. The note above the page says that he is born in December 1907. I was a little bit intrigued about Moen and decided to do some research on him and dedicated this blog to him. During my research I found out that L.F.G. (Louis) Dinger, the owner of the album was his manager! Moen in 1926 I started my online research on to see what kind of information was to find in the newspapers, in combination with the words of ‘ bokser ’ (Dutch for boxer) and it seems Moen was pretty...

The discovery of the 'Selametan' photo

  A picture is worth a thousand words, well we history lovers know that already, right?   Recently I acquired a collection of photo albums who belonged to the Dinger family. A family originally from the Netherlands but living for many years in Java.   1 Album in particular is full of little and middle shaped photos. But the last two pages contains two bigger photos. One of them was already removed and contained some text on the back. These photos are really interesting. When I posted the other photo with the ‘selametan’ some people on Instagram asked me: who is the man in the opening of the door? Well also that was a little mystery to me… Later I was browsing through this album but I couldn’t see any more information about the photos. Still, I was wondering and suddenly I got an idea; the last photo has some text information on the backside, what if that was the same with the selametan photo? Could there also be more information on the backside?    So, I rem...